Practice Updates
Retirement Announcement Letter
May 5, 2022.
To my patients:
Pacific Coast Urology Medical Center was established as the first minimally invasive urology practice in the United States. To this day, it remains the leader in innovative treatments in our Centers of Excellence, including Prostate Cancer, Benign Prostate Growth, Bladder Control for Women, No Needle/No Scalpel Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversals.
This June will mark 37 years that I have been in medical practice. During that time, I have been privileged to care for more than 22,000 patients. My wonderful staff has created a personalized, caring environment in our office and we are proud of the excellent reputation we have.
I have also been able to participate in the development of many leading technologies that are in common use today such as High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) to treat prostate cancer and BPH.
So, it is with mixed emotions that I announce my upcoming retirement from medical practice at the end of June. While I continue to enjoy my work as a physician, my wife, Kim, and I are anxious to explore a life of new experiences in our new home in Florida. From travelling the world to community service to a wide range of physical activities, we plan to be very busy!
I leave my practice in the very capable and expert hands of the staff of West Coast Urology. Their 5 excellent urologists, Drs. Ernest Agatstein, Shahrad Aynehchi, Sepehr Nowfar, Pooya Banapour and Garen Abedi and many support staff have developed their own outstanding reputation over many years. As I write this, they are developing a new office space in the same office building I work in to provide a state-of-the-art facility that will offer the latest in urological care. I am happy to tell you that my staff of 8 will be carrying on the traditions of Pacific Coast Urology as they all join the West Coast Urology team!
I thank you for the trust and confidence you have placed in me and the honor of caring for you these many years.
I wish you good health!
Robert G Pugach, M.D.
“Dr P”
Pacific Coast Urology Medical Center receives letter of thanks from:
Los Alamitos Police Chief Eric R. Nunez (Read letter)
Los Alamitos Chamber of Commerce “2nd Annual Heroes Luncheon” (Read letter)
2nd Generation Interstim Device – August 6, 2020

Dr. Pugach
On August 6, 2020, Dr. Robert Pugach and Evans Tran, PA performed their second implantation procedure in California of the 2nd generation Medtronic Interstim II system for bladder control.
Dr. Pugach and Evans Tran work together in the Bladder Control Center of Pacific Coast Urology Medical Center to treat patients with frequent or urgent urination and urinary in continence.
“This represents a dramatic technology improvement for patients who can benefit from this tiny pacemaker for bladder and bowel control,” says Dr Pugach. “In the past, patients who needed MRIs for cancer detection, orthopedic problems, etc. could not have them with a bladder pacemaker in place. The new Medtronic Interstim II device allows MRIs to be done for the first time.”
Medtronic pioneered sacral neuromodulation for bladder control over 20 years and it’s Interstim system can now be used for bowel control, too. The new InterStim II system is the only recharge-free, long-term therapy that also allows patients to have MRI scans, something that was not available in the past.
Pacific Coast Urology Steps Up to Feed Local Heroes
Dr. Robert Pugach and the staff of Pacific Coast Urology was honored by the Los Alamitos Chamber of Commerce, along with Wahoo’s Taco’s and Madera’s for hosting meals served to the Los Alamitos Police and Fire Departments. Los Alamitos Chief of Police, Eric Nunez thanks Dr. Pugach and staff. Read Letter
Dr. Pugach and the staff at Pacific Coast Urology wish to thank our dedicated frontline hospital staff at Los Alamitos Medical Center for all their hard work and dedication to the health, safety and care of all patients in our community during this COVID-19 pandemic.
In appreciation, Pacific Coast Urology and Western States HIFU donated 100 pizzas to the staff on Friday, May 1st, 2020.
When we called Domino’s Pizza to place our order, the General Manager of the Cypress store asked if he could participate in our gift. Dominos donated an additional 50 pizzas to the order!!
Enjoy everyone and thank you for your service!!
Dr. Pugach, Kim Pugach, Evans Tran, Staff of PCUMC and Dominos, Cypress
On behalf of myself and the staff of Western States HIFU, I want to thank you for your support and confidence in my practice. I want to personally let you know that health and well-being has been and always will be, our number one priority. This reminder bears repeating in the face of the concerns posed by the coronavirus (COVID-19). To that end, I want to share some of the steps we are taking.
- a. As a medical/surgical office we know how important cleanliness is and always maintain the highest standards of cleanliness. We continue to clean surfaces in our office with medical grade disinfectants and germicides that are effective against COVID-19, all other viruses, bacteria and fungi.
b. Rest assured that hand washing by me and staff is strictly followed. Hand sanitizer is available to all staff and patients. All patients are asked to wear masks.
c. We are asking that all patients with upper respiratory symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath to please cancel and reschedule your appointments. We advise you to call your family doctor if you have any of these symptoms. Additionally, if you have recently traveled to a country with high rates of the coronavirus, please reschedule your visit for at least 14 days from the time of your visit.
d. We are fully prepared to perform all scheduled surgery and procedures and are taking all necessary precautions to ensure your safety and well-being.
e. You can always find up-to-date and accurate information on the on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our office at (844) 443-8362